

如果你在填写表格时有困难,可以于五月2日开始电话 1-855-700-2016,有人会在电话里解答你的问题。电话时间周一到周日,一周七天。政府很下本钱的,周末都不休息呢。

What if I need help?

Starting May 2, 2016, you can call the Census Help Line (CHL) at 1-855-700-2016, Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., or Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., if:
•you need help completing your questionnaire or want information about the census
•someone in your household would prefer to complete a separate questionnaire
•you need more than one questionnaire for your household
•you want a new census questionnaire, or a questionnaire in French
•you want a copy of the questions in a language other than English or French.

The CHL is a free service and is available in many languages.