


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛声明一下,我说的操蛋的保险制度就是指的安省啊。我觉得大家应该认真看一下自己保险条款里的 Direct Compensation-property Damage一项,我把我的保险公司条款摘出来(这是个标准条款,应该适用于安省所有的保险公司),这个条款用于对方全责,而且对方没有HIT and Run的情况,我觉得我的英语水平不至于导致我理解错误:

Provides coverage in Ontario, under certain conditions, for damage to your automobile and to property it is carrying, when another motorist is responsible. It is called Direct Compensation because you will collect from us, your insurance company, even though you are not at fault for the accident. There may be a deductible amount and this amount is either paid by you toward the cost of repairs or is deducted from the loss settlement. Higher deductibles may reduce your premium



我也很好奇,这么多人都信誓旦旦,无责的话,修车不需要自己花一分钱。我同事无责,就自己出了1000元的垫底费。希望大家仔细看看,如果确认你的垫底费不是0,请把你的保险公司公布一下,也算是一个福音。我目前确定的三家保险公司都是无责也要出垫底费(TD, THE PERSONnal, JOHNSON)。安省啊!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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