

家长如果不想gifted, IB, arts, tops等等被tdsb取消,就在10月底之前去填这个survey, 明确反对他们哪怕是考虑这个提议取消这special program.TDSB的director说了,这条意见不一定会拿到12月份的board meeting上去,完全看反馈了

意见可以写到, 只征求意见到10月底

“We are now in the part of the process where the voices of the people who participated up to this point, are captured in those very draft recommendations,” he told Global News on Friday.

“But the month of October gives an opportunity for all of our parents to see what’s on the table, provide their comments and then recommendations will be changed – if required – before the board even sees the report in December.”

A feedback form can be accessed online and needs to be submitted by the end of the month.