

大家看看REDDIT的评论,让人震惊。My best friend in second year dropped out of UW because they would not accommodate her for the grief she was dealing with. In the span of one week,

her 1 year old nephew lost his battle with an illness and passed away, and her best friends little brother committed suicide. She was clearly distraught. She had a lot due that week. She asked for an extension. The profs treated her the exact same way. They asked for a death certificate. She didn’t want to ask, but she said she didn’t know how fast she could get it and since the assignments were due that week, if they could help her out. They told her she’d get a 0 regardless. She dropped out the next day. By the end of the week, she had packed up all her stuff and moved out of our house. It was shocking, and I’ve always felt angry at UW for how they treated her. There definitely needs to be a change here. They prioritize academic reputation over the mental health of their students

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