

ZT it seems to you as if the universe lies outside of you. It does not. In fact it lies inside you. Each of you contains the whole and one can "zoom into" each of you infinitely. All parts are connected to all other parts. --- Hologram and Fractals

But do not suffer the impression that you are not therefore very powerful! All parts of the ONE are imbued with the essential nature of the ONE. It is Zingdad said that you are made in God's image. Well, that doesn't mean that God has a body like yours. It means that YOU are made in God's image. The you that is still you when you are no longer in a human body. It means all spirit is God-like. All spirit is creative and self-creative.
Two concepts that you personally have been encouraged by me to understand are fractals and holograms. For a very good reason. I can strongly encourage everyone to at least read a little about these two phenomena. They provide a wonderful way to understand creation. A hologram is an object which provides a three-dimensional picture. If you break that hologram into numerous smaller pieces, then each of those pieces will once again contain the whole three dimensional image. And you are like this. Every being contains the whole.
And the thing with fractals to understand is that you can find a point that interests you and from there you can zoom deeper and deeper into the fractal. You will never get to the end of it. It is endlessly recursive in any direction you wish to travel. And you are like this too. If you look within yourself you can go on looking forever and ever. There is always more to discover in any direction you wish to search.
So I tell you this: it seems to you as if the universe lies outside of you. It does not. In fact it lies inside you. Each of you contains the whole and one can "zoom into" each of you infinitely. All parts are connected to all other parts.

above text copied from "the ascension papers", page 40


1.Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness by Itzhak Bentov, 很清楚的讲了 HOLOGRAM这个概念

2。可惜没看到开悟的人写的关于 FRACTALS的书,要有谁知道的话请告诉我,谢谢
