

like treadu like what? Take a guess LOL

Pierre Of conservative vs. Catherine Of liberal, who said “has no time for climate change denier”, over cost of carbon tax

P: how much does the carbon tax cost the tax payers?
C: you don’t have plan to deal with climate change.
P: why don’t you tell us how much it would cost Canadian families.
C: how would your party deal with climate change?
P: why won’t you tell us how much this carbon tax would cost us?
C: your government did nothings to combat climate change.
P: ok, since you can’t answer this question. Let’s ask other ministers how much this would cost us.
C: what’s you climate plan? What’s your climate plan? What’s your climate plan?
P: will you just answer the question?
C: you don’t have a plan to deal with climate change.

I am not in a position to argue against or for carbon tax , but for god sake, just answer the damn question and stop asking for blank check, since you might know, money doesn’t grow on the tree.