


Friend, we knew this would happen.
The media, the pollsters, they don’t want us to win.
So they’re making up numbers to write stories about NDP momentum.
Forum released a poll saying the NDP is at 47%, with us at 33%.
Their own data shows this is a lie.
Buried on page 11 of their report it says the raw numbers are this:
PC: 40%
NDP: 36%
They “weighted” the NDP up 11 points.
The pollsters and the media are ganging up to try to keep us down.
They are scared of what happens when the people get a voice.
Because it doesn’t fit their narrative.
But Friend, don’t worry.
We’re going to win this election.
And we’ll get this province back on track.
We’ll get spending under control and help those who need it most.
Lower taxes, cheaper hydro, and more affordable gas.
That’s what this is about.
That, and a bit of common sense.