

喝喝,看了这个东西后,我现在对丁大卫那个老实木纳的面具下的真实心境开始产生疑问. 还有那个大山什么的. 不是每个在中国的洋人对我们来说都是那么和蔼可亲.彬彬有礼吗? 而切好象他们都热爱中国.喝喝...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Comments:
Hi, I read all the articles in your website. I thought it was really interesting, and very funny in some parts too. I just finished working for 1 year in Chengdu, Sichuan province (July 97 to July 98). I was a teacher at small tech. college in the city. [GCM Editors' Response: You sound like just another greedy westerner making a financial killing in China. Shame on you!] First of all, in order to truly appreciate the humour of your web page, I really think you would need to live in China for awhile. A lot of it really hits the mark. I hope I can figure out some way to send this file to the foreigners living in Chengdu. [GCM Editors' Response: We don't know any foreigners there. But go ahead and forward links to anyone you want. Guerillas appreciate any free publicity they can get.] Obviously, you have had some tough times in China. I remember that there were some days when I was really pissed off at the country and everyone who lived in it. I could tell you some stories (and I might do that in another letter to you). [GCM Editors' Response: We smell a new website section idea: "Letters to the Western Guerilla Editors"] I lived there for 1 year, and that is enough for me. Still, I am happy I went there; it was quite an adventure and I learned a lot about the country and made some good friends (and met some cute babes too) [GCM Editors' Response: Zhe zhong "cute" de "babe" de gushi, women zui gan xingqu! Gan kuai xie!]. I'm not really angry at China now; mostly I feel pity for a lot of the people who live there. OK, that's my 2 cents worth for now. I really look forward to seeing more articles on your site. I will write to you again later. By the way, I have added a link to your site from my homepage. Regards, Edmund Murphy [GCM Editors' Response: Thanks for the feedback and support. By the way, isn't it annoying how this comments page makes the written sections very narrow sometimes. If we were not lazy guerillas, we would fix this bug. Anybody up for a banana marguerita?]更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net