


Northern Ontario School of Medicine 和 University of Ottawa 医学院是医业界内认为实力相对较弱的学校,这两个学校还有个特点是不要求 MCAT 考试 (对一部分申请学生来说是省了时间和精力), 但这并不等于这两所学校的录取标准低,除了大学本科成绩必须很优秀之外,录取委员会还特别注重申请人的社会经历,高中和大学学习之外的兴趣和活动,工作,科研和做义工的经历。在面试的环节里会以社会中的各种现象和与人相处时让人比较为难的cases来考验申请人的社交能力,快速思考来解决social situations的能力 (也就是对 EQ 的考验).

以上这些都是软实力,不过中国家长向来传统最注重的是:考试成绩GPA的要求。下面就简单的列一下以上两所医学院的录取的统计 (再三强调,光有大学优秀成绩是远远不够的,软实力和 EQ 也至关重要,如果只是会读书,但是性格和 EQ 比较差,建议考虑申请alternative的专业)。

Northern Ontario School of Medicine (2019):
- A total of 2,003 applications were received
- 312 applicants were interviewed
- There were 64 places in the class
- The average accepted applicants' University GPA was 3.86 (on a 4.0 scale)
- In the class there was 0 students with a PhD
- In the class there were 16 students with a Master’s degree
- The average age of the members of the class was 25 years

University of Ottawa School of Medicine (2019):
- Number of applicants: 4269
- Number of students who met excellence of marks: 2241
- Number of students who were interviewed: 576
- Number of students admitted: 169
- 0% international admission
- The average accepted applicants' university GPA was 3.93 (on a 4.0 scale)


祝愿大家的儿女的大学和 professional programs 申请一切顺利!

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