

不要跟我学, 跟上司关于work from home 的争论信。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛背景介绍一下:
最近工作很忙,有时候上厕所都要自愿减少次数,没人要求这样,只是我的个性不能容忍没有解决的问题躺在那没人管,所以。。。我昨晚加班工作,今早发邮件告知team 我今天在家工作。team lead 回私信问为啥,我知道他会问,因为他对每个人都是这样的,有一次还有HR介入,当然HR 是站在manager 和team lead那一边,告知员工work from home 是privilege 不是rights, 要有领导同意。同事们私下抱怨很多但也没啥办法。team里的问题很多,不一一论述了。

这件事轮到我头上我也没啥办法,感觉这team lead对自己的权利很看重,而我却是个重视个人尊严和自由的人,在这一点上我不会轻易让步。对于team lead 问的why do you work from home,在忙了一上午后我给他写了这个邮件,抄送了manager. manager是个把我当朋友看的人,有时我也顶撞他。anyway,here it is:

I can only reply your email now because other prioritized works that some of that you were copied on, 20+emails I replied and two production issues calls this morning. I would guess that you were busier than me overseeing the team’s tasks…

I was working on server patching last night, plus the intense work loads from projects and sustainment tasks during the day ignited my brain, I woke up at midnight and missed a few hours sleeping. Working from home will save time of commuting and I can focus on the queued work, sometimes working in a quiet place is more productive than in office, sometimes not, today is the case of more productive, I did not even get a chance to drink coffee till noon.

I’ve NOT worked from home for long time and I thought sometimes I could use some judgement on how to perform better and deliver qualify work(comparing myself to myself, not others), and I believe that’s more important in our company because we are facing many challenges on delivering clean high qualified work(again I am comparing myself to myself) which will reduce later problem of SR tickets and support calls etc. seeing so many loopholes and fires worries me more than whether or not I work from home once a while.

Hope we share common goal in this matter, together we can foster a better culture and work environment, I wrote this long to have a better communication, please share your concerns.

拼命三郎更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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