

现在这个年头还是慎重考虑为妙,以前我总是听到人们说买房肯定比租房合适,我猜你家老人也是这个观点。最近我从银行里搞到了一本名叫Morgage Wise的小册子。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这是Canadian Bankers Association发行的一本专门介绍Mortgage的资料。上边第四页写着这么一段话:Also consider whether buying id, in fact, the right choice for you. We've often heard that buying is always better than renting. From an investment point of view, this isn't always the case. When comparing owning to renting, it's a numbers game:you have to add up all of the figures, including the cost of your home, the size of your down payment, utilities, inmediate repairs, interest rates and insurance,and compare them to how much you spend on rent. Of course, you have to look at the enjoyment and satisfaction you'll derive from owning your own home, as well as potential increases in your property's value during the time you own it.
其实说穿了,买房子的目的无非主要是两点,一是享受,二是投资。上述银行的资料已经明白无误地告诉我们买房不一定是好的投资。至于享受,每个人的观点恐怕都不一样,但我觉得如果买了房以后要成天节衣缩食或者要担心自己的工作丢了没法pay mortgage,那实在是谈不上什么享受了。
建议你还是仔细算一下买和租的帐,考虑清楚可能的收益和风险,再做决定,从你叙述的情况来看,我感觉是风险过大。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net