


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. To be MS's darling is not necessarily the darling of IT.
2. It is funny for Waterloo to use this favor from MS to justify itself. The middle school is more qualified to make such a pitch than Waterloo.
3. It is not necessary to be a Turing award winnner to judge a CS depts.
图灵也好,诺贝尔也好,这都是人们在评价大学或者说某所大学某个方面的标准之一,何来not necessary之说?
4. I respect Waterloo in that it came to stardom in just over 40 years, which some univerisities took more than 100 years. I am not happy to
see that waterloo (esp. it CS dept.) is self-enjoying its reputation which
does not deserve.
据我目前对waterloo的了解,没有在任何waterloo的官方发布的材料中看到它对于自己cs的标榜。最多在学校介绍时有提到最大的数学系,你所说的不满意uw的cs评价过高,只不过是听到其他人再说,看到其他人在写而已,何来waterloos self-enjoying。在退一步说,这么多人都说uw的cs好,难道是空穴来风?uw在麦马林杂志的评选连续11年排第一,难道也是给了红包不成?
5. It will also hinder the developement of Waterloo in long trem for being perceived as school for programmers (even the best programmers).

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