

很多人现在不肯花时间学习。光用大学,甚至高中的物理知识来反驳NANO,QUANTUM MANIFESTATION,所以他们一开口你就知道是个不认字的孩子在嘲笑名著,就没有什么反驳的必要了,因为根本没法讲。多说一句吧,有时真的觉得很多话都要以 “以我当前的愚昧认知”开头

多说一句吧,有时真的觉得很多话都要以 “以我当前的愚昧认知”开头。比如 我以前可能会说‘平行宇宙是平行的’,现在才知道, 这句话会让真正懂平行宇宙的人笑死。就算我现在说得,比几年前有了很大提高。不过离真相可能还差得很远。所以还是说“以我当前的愚昧认知”更准确,安全些。所以64卦,只有谦卦,每爻都是正面的

“以我当前的愚昧认知”这句话是从Itzhak Bentov的Stalking The Wild Pendulum书里学来的。这本书帮我打消了能量阻塞 Itzhak Bentov was an Israeli-American scientist, biomedical engineer, and author. Despite his background, Bentov became infatuated with consciousness, specifically its relation to physiology. Channeling information from his meditations (and presumably from astral-projection/out-of-body-experiences), Bentov had compiled a wonderful little book densely packed with the nature of reality, consciousness, and our universal purpose; Stalking The Wild Pendulum.
This book was published roughly 4 years before the initial Ra channelings; 1977. At the age of 55, 1979, Bentov was killed in a plane crash aboard American Airlines Flight 191. It's possible that his death was the result of a negative-polarity group intending to kill him for the knowledge he had spread, but that's just my theory.

I have provided a link to the pdf of the book below:

The first 20 minutes of this video show Bentov and his knowledge of consciousness. The rest of the video deals with the more scientific aspects of his findings: https://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=19610&pid=307902#pid307902

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