

Test 6: Please translate this Chinese poem into English: 蘭陵美酒鬱金香,玉碗盛來琥珀光。 但使主人能醉客,不知何處是他鄉。


The poem in Chinese is a classical poem and it's written by Li Bai, a famous Chinese poet from the Tang Dynasty. The poem is called "Drinking Alone Under the Moon"

The translation of the poem is:

Fine wine from the Orchid Terrace,

Filled to the brim in a jade bowl,

It shines with the amber glow,

But alas, I am alone and cannot share it with anyone.

I wonder where my friends have gone,

And when we'll meet again.

The poem expresses the poet's feelings of loneliness and longing for companionship, and describes the beauty of the wine and the setting in which he is drinking it. The poem also contains a hint of sorrow, as the poet is alone and unable to share the moment with others.
