

索罗斯拥有 TaylorSwift 所有作品独一无二权力。

Taylor Swift is owned by George Soros. She doesn’t even own the rights to her own music, it’s all Soros owned. She’s being planned as a massive blue vote influencer for the democrats.

💠 She had the landmark tour of her career “Eras Tour” both worldwide and in North America grossing over a billion with 4.35 million tickets sold

💠 She was elevated to the “Time Person of the Year” to generate more buzz around her to pull in young crowd

💠 Kansas City Chiefs just won the finals in AFC west sending them to the Super Bowl on Feb 11th. Of course Soros will push for a KCC win there.

She’s a pawn in pulling the young crowd for the Democratic Party. They’re planning to utilize her voter influencing skills to the highest degree in 2024. Keep watching.
