

半夜3点听了这个 CBC Massey Lectures | #2: Barons or Commoners? 气的睡不着了,左派作家把租房者们比做罗宾汉时代的穷苦人民Commoners,把房东比做Barons, 鼓励正当做法是Commoners联合起来,像罗宾汉那样拿起武器,把Barons的房产财富给均分了。

说什么住房子,而且是住地理位置好,环境好,安全,房间好的房子是基本人权,是需要修宪来保护的基本人权。现在的public housing不是给人住的。而人民没有这个,就是因为富人们太贪婪了。把本该属于人民的,给剥夺了,还拿一个security去美化这个不公平。


Our constitution tells us what we’re protected against, but it doesn’t tell us a lot about what we’re entitled to. And it’s not enough to be granted the negative right against abuse without also having the positive right to receive assistance, or to possess civil and political rights without social and economic rights as well.

The wealthy barons of the past and present have defined what security means — for themselves — but the rest of us have fought for something else instead
