

饺子的奉献(二十四) 如何节省50%车保险

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛刚读了一本书, 里面有节省汽车保险的信息. 把现有保险内容对照书中的建议, 调整后的保险PREMIUM节省了40%! 在此把有关信息写在这里, 供大家参考. 因时间的缘故, 比较简单地罗列, 详细内容请参照此书.

1. Begin with enough bodily injury liability insurance to protect your net assets. 为保护你的净资产, 建议BODILY INJURY LIABILITY INSURANCE至少等于你的净资产.

2. Carry a maximum of $50,000 of property damage liability, or a minimum of twice your net worth.

3. Buy $1 million of umbrella liability coverage for under $150 per year.

4. Raise the deductibles on your comprehensive and collision coverages to $500 or more.
我们过去买的是$250的DEDUCTION. 问题是$500元以下 (甚至$1000)的维修我们基本上自己掏腰包了, 为的是一个良好的保险纪录, 否则有CLAIM, 第二年的保险费会上涨, 而CLAIM纪录在BC要保存6年. 如果你$1000或者$500元以下的维修自己付, 为什么还要那么低的DEDUCTION呢? 这两项可以省$100-$200.

5. Never file an insurance claim for under $500.

6. Never pay out more in premiums than you can collect in damages.

7. When the value of your car drops below $2000, drop the collision and comprehensive coverage.

8. Don't buy extra gimmick coverages such as towing, car rental, and audio equipment

9. Ask for the basic automobile insurance discounts. 如在国内多少年驾驶无事故纪录等.

10. Decline or reduce the premiums for no-fault insurance by substituting better, full-time insurance coverages.

11. Buy coverages that insure you 24 hours per day and drop high-priced part-time insurance.

12. Drop duplicate coverage and premiums paid for medical insurance.

13. Drop or reduce uninsured motorists coverage by substituting better coverages.

14. Never buy insurance to cover insurance deductibles.

15. Redesign your auot policy by choosing the optimiu coverages, eliminating duplications, and minimizing premiums.

没有时间详细解释. 说明几点:

1. 之所以多花钱是因为有些保险重复或者没有实用价值. 如我们的保险中有$48.60 MEDICAL PAYMENTS, 但实际上我们的医疗保险已经COVER了. 而该保险只COVER在车内的那段时间. 还有我们的DEDUCTIBLE是$250, 但是$1000以下我们都不CLAIM, 这其中$200左右的保险费浪费了.

2. 以上的建议是针对美国的情况, 但是加拿大也是大同小异. 建议你具体参考你个人的保险AGREEMENT

3. 每个人的情况不同, 有人觉得保多点放心, 那你要根据个人的情况而定. 不要简单照搬上述的方法.

4. 具体请见

书中有详细解释, 这里就不重复了. 至少按照他的方法, 我们节省了40%汽车保险, 在同样的PROTECTION的情况下.


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