

Fancy, 别理他们,这的人里有很多垃圾!!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛自己狗屁不会,看着人家考了高分就眼红,你们不是英文好吗,考一个出来看看。

那个叫吐血的,不是想知道你的英文怎么样吗,自己看看你的#265226,subject "you are wrong, the reason is not from jealousy but from some my personal judgement". 中间不用句号或连词可以把句子连起来谁教你的?

“I can understand that some people cannot properly write in standard and conventional written english, even thought they got a considerablly high score in GRE or TOEFL. “ 觉不觉的出来你这句话说这帮人考的GRE或TOEFL分数都是一样的?要想表达你这种意思,score要用复数。

正文中“but what gave me a big surprise is the so basically grammatical mistakes in her written english.“ 大小写不说了,what从句谓语动词单复数由谁决定?mistakes, 要用are, 懂吗?

"I cannot understand it." 标准书面英语中 it 都可以指代什么??单数名词?不定式?ing形式?形式主语?你和我说说这个 it 指代的是什么??

“she should, must avoid those kinds of mistake. because of her high scores. “ mistake后面那个句号姑且算你笔误,mistake 没有复数形式呀?should, must 这是哪家的英语??


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