

別穿Tommy,侮辱中國人的品牌, Hilfiger Racist Rumor

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛千萬不要買Tommy的產品(大立伊勢丹,漢神...均有設櫃)
一定要為中國人爭口氣,不要再買或用Tommy Hilfiger的產品了!Oprah Winfrey (歐普拉)著名黑人脫口秀主持人在節目中訪問Tommy Hilfiger, 這位服裝設計師說出了一段極其種族主義的話。摘要如下:
主持人即受不了而把他請出電視台!事後此名設計師在公開的場合向黑人道 歉,但 他卻怎麼樣也不肯向中國人道歉,在他說出這樣的話後,如果各位還買或穿他的產品,豈不是侮辱自己嗎?
歧視中國人的品牌Tommy Hilfiger,請一起抵制這個種族主義至上的品牌!
For those who missed the Oprah Winfrey show where she interviewed the fashion designer, he made a VERY RACIST remark regarding the people that purchase his clothing line... Summed up, he basically said that if he had known that so many chinamen and niggers were going to buy his clothes, he never would have made it so nice....... After which, Oprah kindly asked him to leave. Now that we all know that he is a BIG TIME RACIST, my suggestion is that we and all of our friends should boycott the TOMMY HILFIGER line. I don't see any point in supporting someone who has such a narrow mind...

What a jerk this guy is! Yeah, if it weren't for us CHINAMEN and NIGGERS, does he think he can be where he is today?????

Please forward this to everyone you know, he really does not deserve anyone's support at all.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net