

请看一位career specialist的找工建议

Get creative in the job search

1.prepare a video, CD or cassette on why a company should hire you.
2.prepare a 90 day action plan on how you will perform for the company in 4 or 5 different areas over the next 30, 60 and 90 days should you be selected.
3.attend a work search-related networking event.
4.volunteer at a conference of your industry and meet the speakers and onganizers.
5.write an article for an industry magzine or community newspaper, with you by-line.
6.buy an ad in the newspaper.
7.attend association meetings you are not a member of.
8.teach at a college.
9.utlize associtaion libraries.
10.speak at a service club or charity event.
11.volunteer and do fundraising
12.audit courses
13 sit on boards.