

for Doctor or post Doctor , I would say it is true, I know and met two post Doctor friend of mine, one in Canada, one in Ohio, hard to find job, it is true, all work in Lab.

It is pretty obvoius that it is really hard for Doctor to find job in Canada, before you come to canada, it shall be checked out, and how you can apply as Doctor to immigrant to Canada, it is hardly made.

License is required, obsolutely. so obtain it, no shortcut at all.

It does not make any sense to complain and dispute about the policy of professional career Canada. don't try your luck with the policy, no excuse.

For the IT wife, I would say to keep sticking on it , and improve your English as well, it is not hard to obtain your job in Canada, just take a while.

Be patient, and don't apply in PH.D, it is just for research and in Lab for PH.D

Master is good enough, I have a peer with PH.D of Michagan in Alcatel, he got really work on research field, and good.

Don't Think Ph.D is the peak, this concept does not work at all even in China now. and Don't keep something for granted.
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