

Well, you just asked a million dollar question.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I don't know about others. But here is mine.
Girlfriend is a question with multi-answers. WIfe is a question need no answer.
Girlfriend stay with you when she think she wants. Wife stay with you when she think you need.
Girlfriend laughs when she think you are funny. Wife laughs when she think you are trying to be funny.
Girlfriend get upset when you say thing. Wife get upset when you do stupid thing.
Girlfriend notices you are handsome. WIfe notices you are healthy.
Girlfriend doesn't make a baby for you, but wife does.
Girlfriend cook for you once a while, wife does it all the time.
Girlfriend admire you are rich, wife admire your intension to be rich.
Girlfriend wants you get along with all her in-laws, wife doesn't care.
Girlfriend doesn't really know about your career, wife knows it very well.
Girlfriend only needs a room to be with you. WIfe needs a whole house.
Girlfriend would love you pick her up. Wife think it doesn't make sense to waste both people's time on road, so she refuse it.
Girlfriend knows which resturant is best in quality service and food taste.
Wife knows which resturant is best in ratio of price and food taste.
Girlfriend and wife all would like to hear that three words phrase, no matter it is in chinese or english.
You stay with girlfriend with a few years, you stay with wife for a whole life.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net