

Also you have to know how much you want to pay for your digital camera...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛One of the benefits of a digital camera is that you no longer have to keep buying film. In conventional photography, the costs of film and film processing eventually far outweigh the initial costs of the camera and its accessories. In digital cameras, you tend to pay more up-front, and less down the road.

Digital cameras tend to be more expensive than conventional film cameras (initially), and the more features and higher resolution they offer, the more expensive they get. The amount you spend obviously will be determined by your budget. You can easily spend as much as $10,000 on a professional camera rig, or less than a few hundred on a consumer outfit. It's up to you, your budget, and what you intend to do with the camera. At the low end of the market, expect lower resolutions, limited film (memory) capacities, limited or no lens control, slow downloading, simple flashes, and other compromises. As the price of the camera rises, expect some incredible features and options, in addition to full manual-control capabilities.

General Advice. Read as many reviews as possible. Talk to other people. Talk to knowledgeable experts in the field, when available. Play with various models in the store before buying. Try to decide how you're going to use the camera, and make your buying decisions accordingly. Don't forget to factor in the "extras" you'll need to complete your camera purchase, such as digital film, connectivity solutions, rechargeable batteries, and other options and enhancements.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net