


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛投诉的大致经过就这样,我们该反映的都反映了,剩下的就是看系里怎么作为了。我先说说结束吧.

接下来的课,明显感到英格丽象霜打的茄子,居然准时进课堂,准时下课,后面的课里没再敢提ESL一句。本来希望final测试系里会换老师,结果还是没有,不过最后她给的分数我自认还算公证,我和另外的中国学生70多分,另外3个也ESL都过了,大概只有一二个平时确实不认真的没过。最后的结果,我们是英格丽带的最后一届学生,下一届新同学的课表出来时,她的名字彻底消失了,主课老师换成了前american express的经理。后来听系里老师说,英格丽这次算是彻底栽在我们手上了。我和中国同学顺利通过实习面试,我们居然同时拿到三家单位的录取!她挑了家福利最好的,实习结束后凭自己努力还真给留了下来,一直干到现在。我呢,3家中偶刚挑了其中一家银行的fraud 部门的offer,又收到了中介来的电话,说是看到我在网上的简历,介绍我去另外一家银行。想想学校的offer毕竟还只是实习,中介给的那个转正机会更大,当然银两也多点,地点也好点。偶可是要为五斗米折腰的,银子多才是硬道理。俺立马回掉了学校的offer,还惹得那个coordinator很不高兴,认为我浪费了他们的名额。2年后,这个chair还打过一次电话给我,居然要我谈谈做这家学院的学生的经历,我看他是忘了我怎样写投诉信的了.


我先把英格丽的罪状总结归纳成了四大点,每一点都上纲上线,把她日常的琐碎行为都提拔上一个高度,而且是专业的高度。她的主课里有一门是关于customer service,有一门是关于team work的,她的众多行为都违背了这两门课的基本理论。

偶控诉的第一点,Ms. xxx didn't make full use of the class time and facilities in class. 列举了众多次她迟到早退,而且上课就让我们自习做assignment的恶行, 每次都有日期(偶先申明,因为assignment上有日期我才记下了)。最后上升的高度是:“We are strongly unsatisfied with this irresponsible teaching. We paid heavy tuition and tremendous amount of effort, not to expect to be just gathered together in a classroom to write some assignment without any more guidance, and often to be discouraged and unfairly treated”. 偶反正觉得连课时你都保证不了,还上什么课!

第二大罪状:Ms. xxx didn’t give us a clear instruction of requirements and standards to pass course YYY. 这个YYY就是我前面说的那个主课,是关于communication skill的. 从开始她没有给过任何具体的instruction应该怎样提高, 唯一只说过“you need practice more”. 在我看来,你对课程没有设下一个客观评判标准,也没有告诉我们如何提高就是没有完成你的job duty.“When some students request her to give us a good example, she just simply ignored the request. Regarding good speech and how to speak with smile voice, although we are never clarified about her standard, we are certain that her negative tone and lacking of interest/effort to fulfill her duty do not qualify for that category. ”

罪状三:Ms. xxx is sometimes unreasonably tough on students and always presents herself with an authoritarian attitude in the class. 俺就举了在lab的例子,lab里的钟快了6分钟。她自个迟到,却每次要求我们准时log in lab系统。我们按准确时间log in却给她判了个迟到。我们觉得不公平,她却说“The system says you are late for 30 seconds, then you are!” 我再列举一堆事实证明她不备课,有一次居然让我们在课堂上干等半小时,等她把email assignment准备好才继续。 我挑战她“Does she have the special right being late? Shouldn't she be prepared well for the class before she steps into the classroom? Why can’t she manage her time well and give us chance to learn more in the class?”接着我把我的tape事件也加在了罪状下。“We consider ourselves paid customers for the program, and we expect reasonable service – the opportunity to learn and minimum respect in return. We cannot believe that this is just the instructor of this course, which is supposed to teach us how to satisfy customers and solve conflicts. We cannot see that Ms. xxx offers required understanding and respect for all students instead of showing her power and authority in front of us.” 偶最后给她这条罪状上升的高度是“We do question her qualification as a teacher and basic respect to her profession and other people.”

罪状四:Ms. xxx prejudges the ESL students and treats them unfairly. 这条偶写的最多,因为确实感到她对我们的偏见和歧视。针对她的经常说“ESL 这个 ESL那个”,偶反问学校“We have to ask the department: Is C college an ESL school or is this an ESL program so that she needs to mention ESL in every class? Is that the manner a qualified teacher in Canada should speak? Does the school grant Ms.XXX the right to prejudge and offend all ESL students?”偶顺便提了下在orientation上老师是怎样吸引大家进了这个专业,怎样信誓旦旦说学校老师的mission就是要support 我们,现在我们怎样从英格丽这里看到的具大反差。征对她说过的“you may not find a job”,偶可是揪住不放了,你从始至终都认为我们ESL是找不到工的,还要招我们进来干嘛,更何况找不找到工由不得你说了算!“We would assume that xxx was not taken away the opportunity to oppose enrollment of ESL students from the school. If that was not the case, we are greatly troubled with Ms. Smith’s attitude and approach to ESL students.”“All of the ESL students strongly oppose this prejudice and unfair treatment from XXX, and we demand a prompt explanation and appropriate action. ”

“In every course guideline, regarding Human Rights, it is written that “It is the policy of the College that all programs will strive for a learning, teaching and work environment that promotes inclusion, understanding and respect for all students and employees, consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the College’s Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures.” As paid students, who spent great effort and time on and off the course to study, want an acceptable learning environment and fair treatment. We respect all faculty members, school staff, and fellow students, and we certainly request to be respected mutually as well.

All of us are looking forward to your prompt response and an acceptable solution of our complaints. We do know that the students enrolled in last semester also filed complaint to the school, but by now they haven’t received a final solution. If we cannot obtain a responsible reply from the department, we will definitely seek help from elsewhere, such as the school board, board of education, even government, or media.
Thank you for your valuable time and we are looking forward to your prompt action. ”
好了,牺牲了俺一个周日写这点东西累四了,只是希望对同学们有帮助。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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