

Just returned to where it started

Embedded software Engineer.

Landed 2000. Got three offers in one week ;selected the one starting at 60k.

2001 65k .

lost job Jan 2 2002.

Unable to find a job when EI ended;applied for extended training ;still not able to a find job when it was over; still not able to find a job when bank accounts dried up ... out of despair worked in a warehouse for $8.75/hr.

2004, referred by a friend to work at a small sftw company starting 36k 9-hour work day ; extremely stressful hours;extremely bossy boss;extremely bullying fellow engineers.

Increased to 40k 2005 .. to 50k when left in 2006 ..

Switched comany 2006 starting with 60k .. increased to 70k this year but company started laying off this January . Eight engineers slashed so far. Everyone is worrying ... will once again repeat the same pain ? Fear! Sigh!!

In summary, Started with a dream 10 years ago and 10 years later returned to the same starting point with an empty dream.

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