

I worked on TN-1 Visa in San Jose before. You can buy a house in US with the same price that Americans are supposed to pay, but you don't want to let those border guys know that you have purchased a house

because the TN-1 visa is a non-immigration visa, you will get turned down right away if they know you have set up your home there. If your kids go to a public school for college, you will have to pay out-of-state tuition , which may easily double what Americans have to pay, unless your kid was born in US(thus becomes a US citizen). As far as I know , it's easy for a TN-1 visa holder to sponsor his spouse to live with him in US on TN-2 (his spouse can not work), but for other relatives, it's almost impossible to get TN-2. Another thing you should pay attention when applying for a TN-1 on the border is that the only eligible computer related profession is "computer system analyst", so make sure your employer specify your duty as a system analyst in the offer letter and bring your degree certificate and its evaluation letter(if your degree was obtained in china, you have to get it evaluated by a US organization.. I don't know much about details).