

I didn't know I was google fan. Now I agree I am. But I'm always openminded.

To answer your questions,

1. Ads banner 是google要求必须加吗? 是自己可以选加什么的吧?
Ads banner are from google too. I added them by myself. For the Ads contents, some are managed by google, some are mine. I'm new to it and not sure how long I will keep it. We can have further conversation about this if you are really interested in it.

2. 网页(html pages)是在local生成,然后上传到google, 是吗?
Yes, with freemarker. If you are programmer, it's very easy and convenient to use.

3.图片还是存在Picasa吧? 只是link到网页中。
Yes, all plant pictures are in Picasa. Only a few Website related pictures are stored in google app engine, along with htmls.

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