

A strong signal---my personal experience---

my interview (in USA) was segmented by the "social lunch"---in the morning was the interview with the manager/supervisor, semi-formal, routine with the resume and also had the effect of 1st-impression-type water-testing, also he toured me the organization.

lunch was hosted by another manager and a tech guru in a korean restaurant (their selection, nearby and not bad flavor too :-)), and joined by the president later on. the talk was small talk primarily, also the prez asked the career goal, etc, i can't recall all, but i felt very comfortable and they did that way too. nothing was difficult or embarassing to answer, AND ask, such as local interests---from sports to housing info. the meal was paid by the prez, ofc 'baoxiao'.

the afternoon was tech interview and conclusive meet with ALL, where i presented my stuff and well received, 2weeks later i got the offer and came to USA.

indeed i felt strongly i was able to make it DURING the meal. btw, dressup is a must i think. good luck