

合同工的黄金时代已到尽头:你的bug, 你赔偿 This is the Beginning of Ending the Golden Age for I.T. Contractors – You Will Be Liable for the Bugs in Your Code -- IT

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛【背景知识】也许你曾经听说二月份得克萨斯州软件工程师开私人飞机撞击税务局大楼之事。其起因就是因为税务局认定他的一段工作是 employee,而不是contractor.由此,他欠了税务局一大别债务。

【中文大意】美国国会议员非常不满最近发生的软件工程师开飞机撞击税务局大楼的事,决定加大对她们的惩罚,特别是那些吵吵闹闹要当contractors的。办法之一就是,你以后要对你code中的bug 所造成的所有损失负责赔偿。理由很简单,建筑工程师要对她们的设计负责任,为什莫软件工程师可以不呢?

【Associated Press】The actions of Joe Stack, the disgruntled software developer who committed suicide by flying his airplane into the Internet Revenue Service building in Austin, Texas, February 2010, were callous, selfish, and inexcusable. Frustrated by the irresponsible actions by this software developer, or independent I.T. contractor as called by himself, the U.S. Congress Tax Committee is considering to propose a new law that seems to actively discourage self-reliance and entrepreneurship, especially in the software industry.

Arguing that structural engineers are routinely held accountable for the quality of building projects, and in response to all-too-common reports of software bugs and security breaches, the law makers are being lobbied for contractual language that makes software developers accountable for any defects in their code, and consequently are proposing that software engineers meet the same standard as structural engineers. Software developers would be required to certify that they have received appropriate training, observed any and all security procedures deemed necessary, and that their code is free of defects to the best of their knowledge, among other clauses. They will be required to pay all the damages resulted from the defects and inefficiencies in their products. The cap of the damage is yet to be decided, mostly under 20 million dollars.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net