

(a) encourage you to enlarge your knowledge/experience base. (b) encourage you to improve your expressional style/skill. (c) cut/paste below to remind you about (a) & (b):

* 烦解释下什么叫与主亲近? -jjbb(wait for future); 8.15 13:14 (#6854521@0) reply more

* 与主亲近? dear jjbb: God is in your heart/mind ... just as your loved one is in your heart/mind ... -christian1(christian); 8.20 13:01 (#6865679@0) reply more

* 这个实在不敢苟同,把loved ones和子虚乌有的东东做比较。你们对主都是单相思,而单相思的人只有全凭想象意淫才能和那个爱人“亲近”,说白了就是啥也没有,啥也不是 -jjbb(wait for future); 8.22 12:30 (#6867985@0) reply more

* dear jjbb: (1) "just as" is different from "比较." (encourage you to enlarge your knowledge/experience base; also encourage you to improve your expressional style/skill.) (2) "loved" mentioned here is righteous love, not your kind of "单相思/意淫." (wish you learn to understand what "righteous love" means.) -christian1(christian); 8.26 18:32 (143 bytes. #6877740@0) more
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