

(1-800-255-4541)或参考一个朋友的文章。Good Luck! 哈哈!!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I called CIC hotline a couple of days ago, asking for client ID.
I was told that client ID is a unique number identifying your immigration application case.
it is definitely NOT Landing Paper number (starting with W), neither is file
number (starting with B). Not all the applicants had be given that kind of IDs while they
applied for immigration, especially those who were considered under old ACT.
If you cannot find client ID in any official letters CIC sent to, call them and provide them
your personal information, such as name, birthday, birth of country. Then you will get it.
It is a 4 digits, a dash and 4 digits, like 0000-0000
May I suggest that you stop misleading people here before you make everything
sure via CIC representitives?
I also suggest everyone who is going to apply for PR Card that you should call CIC PR Card
hotline(1-800-255-4541) yourself to talk with agents there if you have any questions
concerning on the application. They speak very clearly and slowly. Do not worry about your
English. Actually I have already called them 3 times while I met some questions. Only their
reponses are official and creditable. Do not depend on any articles posted on any unofficial
website. You will get trouble and your case will be delayed because of any possible
mistakes you make更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net