

I'm pretty sure - 和小女刷碗时的对话

前几天和小女一起刷碗,无意中说起了“pretty sure”这个词组。让她把sure, absolutely sure,和pretty sure排个序,小人儿说:“pretty sure,sure,absolutely sure。”我很奇怪的问,“pretty sure不是应该比sure更sure吗?”她说,“No,pretty sure is not quite sure。”我抱着非常怀疑的态度用力google了一下,urban dictionary中说:

When a piece of shit doesn't know what he's talking about but wants to make it sound like he does without facing penalty of being incorrect. S/he hides behind of veil of faggotry for protection from persecution by his/her peers when it turns out they're wrong by precursoring something they can't guarantee by saying "I'm pretty sure".

原来这几十年国内国外的全部都用错了? 难怪别人对我说这么不信任。。。难怪我总奇怪人家怎么都这么自信。。。唉。。。
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