

Damien Rice的《Delicate》took my breath away... 跟我一起听吧...

LOST里面的一首插曲吸引了我的注意,没想到搜到了好东东,就是录像里的这首Delicate. 每次听完都忍不住把忘记的呼吸赶紧找一大口回来。蕴含感情的歌声,亲密却伤感,精致而干净。优美流畅的编曲,朴实无华的原声器乐,音乐随情节发展时大时小,支离破碎的高音震撼人心。注意:大提琴和结尾Hannigan的女声。

另一首“9 Crimes“在第一时间就深深的将听者沦陷了:极富Damien Rice苦情风味的钢琴旋律,先引出的是Hannigan气若游丝的悲戚嗓音,然后第2段才响起Rice那隐忍而磁性的声音。两个人的声音彼此缠绕的上升,弦乐将整首歌推向高潮。旋律美得一塌糊涂。。。


还有 Cold water, Cheer's darling, The blower's daughter, 等等很多。。。

We might kiss when we are alone
When nobody's watching
We might take it home
We might make out when nobody's there
It's not that we're scared
It's just that it's delicate

So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've known
And why do you sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to you
Why do you sing with me at all?

We might live like never before
When there's nothing to give
Well how can we ask for more
We might make love in some sacred place
The look on your face is delicate

So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've known
And why do you sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to you
Why do you sing with me at all?

So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've known
And why do you sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to you
Why do you sing with me at all
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