

龙潭都是爬藤的考学的,没地方放,就放这儿吧。〈In My Dream〉 11岁

In my dreams,
my world doesn't collapse into a black hole,
It remains strong.

In my dreams,
I am greeted by a bear hug that means
welcome home,

not a whip on the back that signifies
we are better than you

In my dreams
equality takeover, injustice and oppression
is thrown to jail

In my dreams
every flaw is erased,
every strand of evil is cut
every war can be surpassed by love and friendship

yes, in my dreams, the world is perfect
But then, I wake up

I realize this is not the case
I realize dreams are not true
And so, I am hit on the head with a rock of hopelessness

Freedom and justice must be earned
not dream it.
Individuals are weak
but then teardrops form a river,
we can wash the sins out of this world
and may our dreams be revealed.

---------inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech <I Have a dream>
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