

Side Yard Interlock Repair -5

大家以为完工了呢,其实,还有一道工序,apply joint sand。我买的是polymeric joint sand,就是为了不长杂草,是我这次改造的重点。去年在前院做了一小块,一年下来,真是没有杂草,效果不错,所以今年大面积还用这sand,牌子也一样,permacon。

Polymeric joint sand bags and application

Polymeric joint sand application on installed interlock

Polymeric joint sand application on installed interlock

Used a rented compactor to ensure joint fully filled with sand

apply sand and compact again for three times

apply sand and compact again for three times

Used a broom to remove surplus joint sand and clean the surface

Watering instead of washing. make it like rain. It means too much water if you can see surface run-off.

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