

It should be the best Math Summer Camp ever for kids at Gr5-8 at GTA. This is a great opportunity for kids to see where math can take you, and meet an instructor who got perfect on the IMO. class sizes at 25 students each, so spots are limited.


August 18 - 22

Toronto Math Circles is pleased to announce the introduction of a summer day camp. Geared towards bright grade 5 – 8 students who are interested in math competitions, the Toronto Math Circles day camp boasts a host of qualified instructors with decades of contest experience.

Learn problem solving skills, participate in contests, tackle tricky puzzles, or try your hand at beating your peers at a board game. Looking for a break from math? Join us for Ultimate Frisbee and an afternoon at the Royal Ontario Museum.

Instructors for the week include the organizer of Toronto Math Circles, two medalists from the International Mathematical Olympiad, years of teaching experience, and decades of math contest experience. In the afternoons, younger members of the Math Camp will have the opportunity to work with the advanced students on a 1-1 basis.

Prices are $500 for the week – this includes lunch, snacks, admissions and any materials required for the camp.

To apply or find out more, email sarah.k.sun@gmail.com.

Sarah Sun
The organizer for Toronto Math Circles, Sarah has been writing math contests since the age of 11. A graduate of the University of Waterloo, she now works as a Senior Statistician for a financial institution, and in her spare time enjoys organizing Math Circles, lecturing/helping out at Math Camps, and coaching the Toronto Math Circles ARML team.

Byung Chun
Byung Chun was a Canadian Medalist at the International Mathematical Olympiad, and currently teaches at Upper Canada College. A favorite lecturer at the Toronto Math Circles, Byung has experience with organizing math retreats and math camps in the past. Sarah and Byung first started working together 6 years ago at the Canadian National Math Camp.

Jacob Tsimmerman
Jacob got his BA from Univ. of Toronto in 2006, and his PhD from Princeton in 2011. Jacob has been involved with math camps for the past several years, coaching the IMO tem in 2013. In his spare time, he likes squash, judo, guitar, and playing cards.

Eddy Liu
Eddy spent most of his high school years focusing on mathematics competitions. He has recently graduated from University of Waterloo, majoring in Pure Mathematics. This fall, he will be pursuing a master’s degree in Quantitative Finance. On weekends, he teaches at University of Toronto’s Math Circle.

222 College St, Toronto ON
Sarah.k.sun@gmail.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net