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softface (探长)
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工作学习 / 外语学习 / Love Story -qingqingshuil(清清水); 11:39 (3970 bytes. #8936351@0) more
Touching. 这坛子里除了美帝苏修时候有过几篇精华,多数是插科打诨。这样的文章贴这儿,太可惜了。 -ybaby(茉莉花); 16:50 (#8936731@0) reply more
你的专辑里不是有一模一样的篇子吗? -redneck(Cracker); 17:09 (#8936747@0) reply more
这么无忌~~) -minitoy(粉韩少ing); 17:12 (#8936749@0) reply more
返老还童吗。 除非清清水是马甲, 否则有剽窃之嫌吧? -redneck(Cracker); 18:29 (35 bytes. #8936754@0) more
两篇一模一样的文章?那就是同一个人! -softface(探长); 18:30 (#8936823@0) reply more
To be, or not to be, that will be TWO questions! -softface(探长); 19:15 (#8936916@0) reply more
啊? 不带这么赤果果的嘛! -softface(探长); 18:29 (#8936821@0) reply more
童心未泯也 -redneck(Cracker); 18:33 (#8936833@0) reply more
我脚得你是看到说咱们天天不学习插科打诨而反击了。 -meisuowei(混混); 18:34 (18 bytes. #8936835@0) more
嗯,难怪没给加浆,这版主也算是英明啊,呵呵 -dandelion1(蒲公英哥); 8.13 19:06 (#8929366@0) -softface(探长); 18:58 (#8936870@0) reply more
Sorry,俺说的是作者。 -softface(探长); 18:35 (#8936836@0) reply more
童心不泯 -qingqingshuil (qiu niao) Page Link -softface(探长); 19:24 (#8936937@0) reply more
睿智!哦。原来是有典故的。 -softface(探长); 19:25 (#8936939@0) reply more
真是让人想不明白啊!这是一个外语学习的分坛,不让指出语句的错误,怎么相互交流共同提高啊? 那就会变成让满屏的错误在翩翩起舞。 -softface(探长); 18:37 (#8936839@0) reply more
我就让你找“满篇的错误”,我看你找的全不全? -ybaby(茉莉花); 19:36 (#8936957@0) reply more
俺那是感慨本坛的新规定的,是说你的吗? 你既然受去了,那就也包括你的这篇习作。你这是invite吗? -softface(探长); 19:48 (#8936972@0) reply more
不会下蛋的母鸡,会学鸡啄人,也是好鸡! -ybaby(茉莉花); 19:39 (#8936961@0) reply more
居然搞人身攻击来了,你接下来要不要去最大的法语省啊? -softface(探长); 19:44 (14 bytes. #8936970@0) more
No dish suits all tastes!The new concept of English language "health" of us Chinese immigrants nowadays is one can not take too much cream or high protein but need all kinds of grains (even rough-in) to make our list full and scientific. -softface(探长); 18:41 (#8936841@0) reply more
What's more, regarding the method of English learning, drip irrigation means is much more efficient than cats and dogs pouring means. -softface(探长); 18:44 (#8936846@0) reply more
And the last point which plays the most important role is the content --You notice that some of us here have been jesting and making gags. -softface(探长); 18:45 (#8936848@0) reply more
That is the meaning of this forum's being here —— to combine entertainment into learning! -softface(探长); 18:45 (#8936850@0) reply more
In one post. -softface(探长); 19:05 (623 bytes. #8936895@0) more
Thanks for sharing your moving story, bless you. -errands_boy(Errands Boy); 18:49 (#8936852@0) reply more
qingqingshuil(ybaby,Jasmine),if you invite me to make corrections to any of your two pieces of writing(or just this piece),I will show you how you can improve your English. -softface(探长); 18:57(#8936856@0) reply more
LZ 的伎俩,有点让我恶心着了。俺就算是插科打诨,也觉得自己高尚好几倍。 -meisuowei(混混); 18:59 (#8936871@0) reply more
? -errands_boy(Errands Boy); 19:01 (#8936883@0) reply more
(35 bytes. #8936754@0) -softface(探长); 19:02 (#8936887@0) reply more
You can be moved by your own article sometimes -errands_boy(Errands Boy); 19:04 (#8936891@0) reply more
LOL 想拍桌子! -meisuowei(混混); 19:06 (#8936899@0) reply more
Can't you? -errands_boy(Errands Boy); 19:07 (#8936902@0) reply more
so far, i have very good memory. don't plan on losing it in any way. -meisuowei(混混); 19:07 (#8936904@0) reply more
她是自我感觉太好了。 -softface(探长); 19:02 (#8936885@0) reply more
what's up? 楼主用新马甲发贴,然后再用老马甲把自己夸一顿? -sarah649(Sarah); 19:16 (#8936919@0) reply more
顺便,还便一大堆出来,恶心所有人(单独放"美帝苏修"时期的精华一条生路)。 -softface(探长); 19:27 (#8936922@0) reply more
承认是抄袭? 还是承认是马甲自吹并且一竿子打翻一坛的人?—— 那将会是两个问题!To be, or not to be, that will be TWO questions! -softface(探长); 19:21 (#8936927@0) reply more
是后者,自吹自擂 -sarah649(Sarah); 19:22 (#8936931@0) reply more
可惜。里面的错误在翩翩起舞。 -softface(探长); 19:26 (#8936940@0) reply more
明人不做暗事。文笔就是再好,又如何。 -meisuowei(混混); 19:27 (#8936944@0) reply more
好哪儿去哦。扫几眼头两段之后就看不下去了。 -softface(探长); 19:29 (#8936948@0) reply more
Her story is positive energy, I think she wanted to share her story, which is a good thing -errands_boy(Errands Boy); 19:33 (#8936953@0) reply more
这里被某些人搞成了“文革时候", 一个人披着4,5件马甲这这里称”王霸“,看看他7,8个月一个像样的文章也没有,看见'别人的文章吧,酸! 她就是个大肚婆,咱没空和她蘑菇, -ybaby(茉莉花); 19:45 (#8936973@0) reply more
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