

电影与跑步 ("McFarland"正在放映)

A cross-country running coach and teacher in a small and poor California town
transforms a group of students into a top team of athletes.
既教跑步, 又教做人.

*4 Minute Mile*
A desperate teen with natural running talent is trained by an old reclusive track coach,
and eventually stands at the start line to face his biggest race.

*Across The Tracks*
A teen, living in a rough community, gets help from his runner brother to pursue a dream
to win a track scholarship while dealing with distractions from his old buddies.

*Chariots of Fire*
Among two young British Olympians, one, a devoted Scottish missionary, runs to please
God, and the other, the son of a rich Jew, runs to prove his place in Cambridge society.

*On the Edge*
A 44-year-old pro runner fights back and tries to win a tough point-to-point race.
(Point-to-point means that the runner can follow any path as long as he passes checkpoints. )

*Personal Best*
A female athlete tries to win the games both in bed and field.

Steve Prefontaine, a long distance runner and Olympian, lived his dream but died young.
生命短暂, 但精神长存.

An elite marathon runner sets his heart to represent his country for the Olympics, while
struggling with his personal issues.

*Running Brave*
Billy Mills, a American Indian, came from nowhere and won the 10k in the Tokyo

*Saint Ralph*
A fatherless 14-year-old miracle believer determines to win Boston Marathon to bring his
mother out of a coma.

*The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner*
A troubled youth from a dismal home turns to a long-distance runner, and finally wins the
Governor's prize.

*Without Limits*
Steve Prefontaine became a record-breaking runner and Olympian under the training of
coach Bill Bowerman, co-founder of Nike.

*Run Fat Boy Run*
An overweight man runs a marathon to win back his ex-fiancée and son.

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