

和多数安省人有直接关系--------安省新保守党领袖布朗(Patrick Brown)其人。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这是Toronto Star的Quick facts about Patrick Brown

Age: 36

Education: Brown was educated at St. Michael’s College School in Toronto followed by the University of Toronto and the University of Windsor.

Career: Involved in Conservative politics since he was a teenager, the bilingual Brown was a city councillor in Barrie and practised law for a short time before he ran successfully for the federal seat in Barrie in 2006.

Personal life: Born and raised in Toronto, Brown is a teetotalling (绝不喝酒) bachelor and a hockey fanatic.

咋一看,布朗年轻有为,22岁就当选多伦多北面巴里(Barrie)市议员,27岁成功当选联邦国会议员,这次又创纪录,成为该党历史上最年轻的党魁。而且是大胜前联邦财长Jim Flaherty的遗孀、60岁的Christine Elliott,当选新的保守党党魁。

再看简历,有些有趣的信息,但多数媒体避而不谈。St. Michael’s College School 是一流私校, all-boys and catholic(7-12 grade),一年学费至少2万。从University of Windsor拿的law degree,而且是一边在Windsor上学,一边当Barrie 的city councilor 。当了少于6个月的律师。MP期间,没有发过言,只是投票。

其实和多数加拿大政治家一样,其家庭背景深厚。父亲是律师,母亲是老师, 但母方在Barrie 势力很大,祖父是car dealer 发家,生意做得很大,几个叔叔不是MP就是lawyer.

Brown 36岁,未婚,被称为social conservative比Hudak还右 ,比如反对obortion and gay marriage(呵呵,这是明摆着和Wynne过不去),对新Sex ED不满. 和印度政治人物关系很好。对高电价有意见,认为和废除烧煤电厂有关。能源和税是其关注点。

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