

Why do I study C++?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1). I have a relatively complete set of Java skills and a clear picture in architecture, so I can find a job even my C++ is awkward. I am learning C++ simply because I am a Java instructor at the same time and I need to know more than Java. On the other hand, not all problems are suitable for Java. C++ and C are very important ... Without C++ background, people can master Java. However, people have to revoke to C++ in some situations.

2) English is a big problem for new immigrants. I am still in Virginia. My boss
hired a Chinese guy from Shanghai two months ago. My boss has secured about 20 interviews for my colleague but so far he is still at home. My impression is he is a VC++
expert. Actually, his English is not poor. I talked several new immigrants in Toronto and sometimes I felt difficult to understand them because of vocabulary problem. For instance, I know what is a class and what is a virtual class but I cannot understand "Lei" and "Xu Lei". I know what a control panel
is but I don't understand "kong zhi ban".
(Please do not misunderstand me: I have no intention to show off for my likely awkward English.) Many new immigrants stick at using Chinese-version Windows softwares ...
Some new immigrants are still seeking Chinese computer books.

3) I stayed in Toronto for 4 days. I had the first interview and declined the rest two because I don't want to move to Toronto until
Feb 2000. In my first interview, the manager asked me how about 50 CAD/HR and I kicked the ball to the agent. But I want to tell you the truth: I don't think that first company would like to hire. By intuition, I
know that. After the interview, I told the agent
50CAD/HR is not a good offer so things were over. I know Canada's job market is tough but I am confident in getting a Job. I choose to stay in Virginia for more time because my boss raised my salary by 20K per year. I can
make more money here before I settle down in Canada.
4) Both Calgary and Toronto are citie full of opportunities. I really don't have any idea
about which one is better for you. :-)
5) If you are from South China, keep in mind that it is really cold in the winter. If you are from North China, I don't think it is a big problem for you. By the way, it is difficult to get a job in December.
6) I suggest you visit www.oracle.com,java.sun.com, www.microsoft.com, www.ibm.com frequently. This is a way to learn IT words.
As I tried to get into IT field, I have ever read
some flyers, advertisements from IT companies. Do not think your English will be
improved easily. Toronto is full of Chinese guys. If you like, your Cantonese can be significantly improved. ;-) :-) ;-) 更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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