

【关于泛亚太地区经贸合作关系网(Trans-Pacific Partnership)】目前还在谈判阶段,哈珀总理说,要不要加入,不由保守党一党决定,而要看议会投票结果。NDP坚决反对,NDP唐老鸭立刻到魁北克等地支持坚决反对这个贸易网的加拿大奶农。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛连接是什么是TPP,以及加拿大为啥想加入。

What is the TPP?

If it succeeds, this deal will form a trading block representing roughly 40 per cent of the world's gross domestic product.

The free trade push started small in 2005, with a sub-group of the larger Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum — New Zealand, Chile, Singapore and Brunei. It grew to include the United States, Australia, Peru, Vietnam and Malaysia by 2008. When Japan expressed interest in joining, Mexico and Canada felt they needed to be in too. Canada officially joined in 2012.

The TPP is a plurilateral agreement — a World Trade Organization term for a sub-group of countries voluntarily agreeing to specific rules. (Under a multilateral agreement, all countries must sign on to everything.) Elements of the negotiations are not always reciprocal — Country A might offer something that benefits Country B, in return for something Country A wants from Countries D and E, who in turn might exact a concession from Country B.

Everyone's trying to meet what each perceives as the definition of a winning compromise — perhaps not in every area, but overall — and that's why the talks are so complicated

Trade ministers and senior negotiators from 12 Pacific Rim countries are holed up in intense talks in Atlanta, trying to reach an agreement in principle for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The ministers originally were scheduled to meet until the end of Thursday, but International Trade Minister Ed Fast told reporters he hasn't booked a return plane ticket yet.

Their last meeting two months ago in Hawaii almost nailed it down: 98 per cent of the deal has been agreed to, sources suggest. Will everyone stay in the room this time for as long as it takes to tie things off?
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■Analysis: Ministers back at table as Canada preps final offer on dairy, autos

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