

关于投资房和自住房的capital gain总结,欢迎大家指正

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1 Personal-use property: a property used primarily for personal or enjoyment.

2 . Principal residence: any housing unit owned by the taxpayer, either by himself/herself or jointly and ordinarily inhabited by the taxpayer, taxpayer’s spouse or former spouse.

3 . 如何计算豁免capital gain

The exempt portion:
Gain*(1+number of years designed)/number of years owned.

4 一个家庭在特定一年只能指定一套自住房。
A family can only designate one housing unit as a principal residence for any particular year.

5. The 4 Year Rule

A property owner can designate the property as their principal residence up to 4 years in which it isn’t normally inhabited.
The 4 year maximum doesn’t apply if all of the following conditions are met:
•The property wasn’t lived in due to a relocation of employment
•The employer isn’t a related party
•The property becomes a principal residence during employment or after termination of employment

This is important because on rental properties you are allowed to designate a maximum of 4 years for the principal residence exemption, while the property is being rented out (provided you are still a Canadian resident).


1 自住房由家庭指定,一般选择增值最大的来避免交增值税。第一套房总是认为为自住,即使楼花也算自住房。

2 出租: 如果家庭只有1套,房东出租部分房间。根据出租面积比例决定是否有自住房资格。如果出租面积超过50%,失去自住房资格。

3变更自住房资格。举例:假如2000年买一套小house A, 2010年买一个大house B,同时指定B为自住房。2015年卖掉A,A增值了50万。

那么可以豁免的增值税部分: 50万*(1+10年)/15年=36.7万
该交税部分: (50-36.7)*50%=6.65万更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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