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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 请教各位: 何为option-C(Notice of Assessment)? 何为T4,T4E,T5,T5007? 如何获取?在下去年12月底落地, 现正给小儿办理团聚移民, 因从未收到退税, 不知此为何物,如何获取? 是否为sponsor时必须? 谢谢!
    • those are tax return slips.
      If you filed a tax return for last year (2000), you can get them free from Revenue Canada. Just go to one of their offices and ask for T1 and all tax slips. If you didn't file a tax return, you won't be able to get them.
      • Thank you, but I did't have a tax return yet,what shall I do?
        • 1. check the application kit to see if the Notice of Assessment is required. 2. you can still file a tax return now (if you don't own money to the government), Find an accountant to help you.
          • 在Application Kit的Document Checklist里有,并在其后的Common Errors Which Delay Processing里列为第五点. 但不知对处理儿女团聚是否必不可少?谢谢!
    • !! 更正:T4,T5这些不是"TAX RETURN SLIPS".
      我记得T4是年收入,是你的雇主给的,列明你的各项收入,扣除等.T5是利息收入,是银行给的,列着你的年利息.T4,T5里的数据用来填入税表T1里相应的栏目. 你年底才落地,应无T4,T5收入.到附近邮局拿份T1报税,收入填0.(4月30截止,已过),政府会给你寄税务回扣来花的.