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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 我现在在Tortonto,单身,女性,发现在加拿大连打工的工作都很难找,有经验的人能提供一些帮助吗?
    • Looking for boyfriend?
      • No,i just want to depend on myself
        • 去家门附近的KFC,MACDONLAND, COFFE TIME, COUNTRY STYLE试试,不过现在是暑假,很多学生在打工, 有点难。
    • try Mandarin or Buffet King
    • There is a job agent. its name is Vietnamese association. It locate in Dundas St., 200 meters east of Dufferin St. (1365 Dundas, north side).
      There is a job agent. its name is Vietnamese association. It locate in Dundas St., 200 meters east of Dufferin St. (1365 Dundas, north side).
      You had better get there before 8 o'clock and write down your name on a piece of paper sticked on the door. There are always some jobs opening for girls. Good luck.
      • 这地方您就别提了,我今早才去了,现在工作都不好,不是很远的就是很累很累的,一般都是TTC到不了的地方,要2张票的。
        • 碰见我了吗?
          • 呵呵,可能碰到你了哟,星期五的早上我是第五个,你呢?
    • 别的不知道,一周前,几乎各麦当劳都在招工,直接推门进去找经理,填个表,聊几句,搞定就是7块/小时,40h/周。我朋友刚落地两周就是酱紫找到麦当劳工作的。
      • 他们运气怎么都这么好?我一星期以前也已经在加拿大了啊,我怎么没看到到处的麦当劳都招人?
        • 我刚落地一周地就找到工作的。
          • 什么工作?能悄悄讲下吗?
            • system engineer in a high tech company. one resume, one interview, one offer. by the way 我落地300周了。:-)
              • 您可真逗啊!
    • call the agency and tell them what kind of job you are finding. If you don't speak english well then you can check the advertisement at "SING TAO DAILY"
      • Can you tell me where to find this kind of agency?Thanks a lot!