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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 真心请教,两个律师中选一个,如何选?对一个没有经验的人真难呢! +1
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛涉及到了交通事故,一个律师的网页上(不是家大公司)说自己和法官,保险公司的关系很好,客户很满意。见他时他也说如果用了他,他可以帮我争取更多保险公司的福利。但是我和他email联系时,他回信常常很慢,有时甚至不回,寄给我的合同上事故时间也写错了。他说他有大官司要打,而且他不在本地,不熟悉本地资源,以后做检查可能也要去他那儿,花上一个多小时的commute时间。但他自己也说,不会见几次。他有律师费用上的优惠,因为是单位里介绍的。我在网上搜索了一下,有一种可能,他这么有把握,可能他有个什么堂表哥在保险公司做领导,但这只是一种可能,因为他两同姓,而且这个意大利姓不常见,而且他说起保险公司时好像挺有把握的。
    请教,该如何选择?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Dump both and continue to look.
      • 已经看了很多了,这两个是还可以的,真的有点累。
        • I fired 3 lawyers until the last one being ok. You are the source of the money and you are the buyer. They must listen to you.
          • 你厉害。不过我找的好像所有的lawyer agreement上都写,如果你不用我,我照样要得到该得的contingency fee。等于是,你换人,你还是得付我。
            • No. The best they can do is a charge lien for time PROVEN spent. Your successor attorney will take care of this for you.
              • 每小时350,很贵,希望一次找对人。
                • A mediator I used was $550/hr but he is really good. Just keep looking.
      • There is no such thing called 内线 in any shark insurance company 。period.
        • --- has extensive litigation experience and has handled a multitude of complex trials in both the Supreme and Provincial courts. He is well known in the legal community for having an excellent reputation with adjusters,
          other counsel and the judiciary, which has achieved outstanding results for his clients.
          • Additionally, he has worked as an educator by presenting to the Justice Institute and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. <<according to his firm's website.
            • Let him fool others.
          • 自己吹自己的牛,当然当 BS 听,
            • 跟他见面时,他提到一些事,比如保险公司现在让我做的一些测试。他跟我说,我应该先不去,因为他和保险公司谈了后很可能我不用去了。但第二个律师就说既然我申请福利就得去。
              • You should continue treatments with a insurance. If you were in US you want to use auto since both auto and medical are self pay. But in Canada 共产主义医疗系统,I am no sure.
                • 主要是,万一他真有内线,怕错过。
                  • I told you what I could. Good luck. Bye now.
            • 我提到我担心保险涨价,他跟我说不用担心,他跟保险公司谈了以后应该没事。但第二个律师就说她不能保证。我不知道他是不是在说大话,但应该不会吧。
              • if you are driver at fault then premiums most likely increases.
                • 有争议,也是想请一个好律师的原因吧。
                  • ? You need to distinguish traffic court case and personal injury case first.
                    • but I will retain the same lawyer for this.
                    • 忘了解释一下,我们这儿只有一家保险公司,所以所有交通事故中的双方都是一个保险公司负责,她的一切行为从自身利益出发,想着怎么少付钱,多赚钱。
            • 我不知道他现在对我的漫不经心只是因为我还没雇他,还是一旦雇了,对我会更漫不经心。
              • Emotions and guesswork yields 000000 benefits.
      • No 2 is a cheap attorney playing low tricks. You can write your own terms and conditions and press her to accept if she wants the money wants the case. Move on immediately if she doesn't agree.
    • Don't ever let them control you, you control them.