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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 当初我去中东的时候,起初的几天在30度的冬天还穿得西服笔挺,周围的人都以为我是日本人。害得我一遍一遍跟他们说:“我是中国人。请尊重我的国家。“
    过了两天,开始穿得随便一点。有人说我是香港来的。我还得解释:“ 我是从中国大陆来的。香港不过是中国的一部分。“

    后来实在受不了天气的炎热,也就穿起大裤衩子T恤衫。走到路上,所有的人都向我打招呼:“ Chinese, Good Friend"。不少人专门商店里跑出来向我夸耀他们看了多么厚的毛选,多么崇拜中国。

    • really? admire your experience.
    • 正常的啦, 在外国人眼里你要是稍微穿的好一点, 他们就说..
      你是日本人, 还有人说你是台湾人. 原来我在美国的同学, 认识我快2年了, 还说我是日本人呢,气死我了.可是有一个美国小女孩同学就老说我穿的衣服好看,我说是在中国买的, 于是他们就会说"哦, 我们的衣服都是Made in China". 所以,树立中国人在西人眼中的形象, 从"我"做起吧!!!
    • In the West, when they ask if you are a Japanese, they actually try to be "polite" or "less offensive" beause THEY (not WE) see Jap as rich/developed or whatever,
      they just stand less risk if they mistake a Vietnamese for a Jap, but they DO NOT know WE CHINESE dislike that---when my wife and i took a pic in a garden, a looking-decent mid-aged couple asked :"Ni Hon Jin?", I happened to know this=Jap, i said, "No, We are Chinese, they are our enemy", they became a bit amazed and SOON relaxed coz they have been both jp and cn, and they knew we do not like jap.
    • sigh 毛选可是garbage, 不提也罢。
      • which part is garbage? it is not UP TO YOU to say that.
        • I read these five 毛选 in a child hood. Now who read them again. Mr. Mao is a bad man, so no care about his books again. thay are lie indeed.
        • 毛 泽东在《别了,司徒雷登》一文中,是这样描述的:“人民解放军横 渡长江,南京的美国殖民政府如鸟兽散。司徒雷登大使老爷却坐着不 动,睁起眼睛看着,希望开设新店,捞一把。
      • 对于那些在小国家受资本家剥削的劳苦大众来说,看到有毛这样的人,能领导着老百姓打烂旧世界,真是佩服啊。Anyway, most of them think China is the unique country which can counterbalance USA. //sigh
        • Hi guys. In fact I had same feeling of what you said. But 我看到南斯拉夫的故事以后,我有了新的想法。sigh, as to 毛,要不是小平为了向前看,他更斯大林一样的下场。
          • 所以对于英雄,请不要扯他的裤子。
      • 我的中东同事, 提起毛泽东佩服得五体投地,呵呵
        • We should TOO, although Mao is not quite a builder, but looka t today's "zuGuo", can you say such a foundation and workframe of cn in the worls is not laid by Mao?
    • 来加不到1个月,已经好几次被这里的洋鬼子问到"are you from Japan?".