


  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / I don' t know to apply graduate studies in China now or after landing in Canada......
    I've gotten the landing paper, I 'll land there before May 2001. Bachelor's degree,I 've taken the TOFEL test and gotten 613. But I don' t know to apply graduate studies in China now or after landing in Canada, Which good person can give me some advice?
    • if you want to start graduate study next Fall, you need to get application kits and sent out application forms right now. go to schools' sites for detailed info. some should allow people to apply online, though official documents are followed later.
      • The trouble is
        请过来人指点一番, 我是通信专业,26岁,北邮本科毕业,TOFEL613。是直接找工作好呢(那边容易找吗)?还是先读书好呢?如果landing 之后申请学校, 是不是比较容易得到奖学金一些? 已拿到LANDING PAPER的我却一点儿都轻松不起来。我自己觉得很麻烦,渴望各位大虾指点迷津。
        • Sounds job hunting is piece of cake for you. You can see tons of your alumni in tele communication companies such as Nortel. It's much easier to get a job if you can find old acquintances there.
          For graduate student application, you just tell the school that you are PR, and give them SIN number after you get landed.
          • Thank you ! I think Perhaps you are my schoolmate and you please give me some advice about if I need to change to study computer .
            I think Perhaps you are my schoolmate and you please give me some advice on if I need to change to study computer . After my graduation from BUPT, I lately studied MBA in another university in my spare time. I have finished all my class except the graduation thesis.I still stayed here for several reasons just for this problem. May a Chinese MBA be helpful to look for a job there? I am eager to land there soon.
            • sorry I am not from bupt. but it seems you have very strong background. Why not take a look at any alumni list of your school(on any bbs or website) and start to build a 'network'.good luck!
              • Where can I get the alumni list? You are so warm hearted.
                • search online, and go to your college's official website.