


  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / I passed the interview today, now I am in a pub on the peak (shan ding gong yuan) , enjoy the free internet connection.
    I passed the interview today, now I am in a pub on the peak (shan ding gong yuan) , enjoy the free internet connection, I don't know how to use Chinese system, so I can't express myself exactly in English, I am waiting for congratulations from all of you.
    • Oh, that means you will get your offer? Congratualations.
    • I should have my visa in several months, not offer.
      • Then you just start your long trip. Congratualtions, and be prepared to start your new life. Good luck to you.
    • Congrats ! But you still have a long way to go. Enjoy yourself before you come over.