


  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 买手机,摄像机?

    • Don't bring handset to Canada. If you need it right now, just buy it and before you leave China, sell it.
      • Thanks! Do you mean the handset is not supported in Canada or I will not need it for the first a few years there? How about the cost there?
        • it's not supported.
      • 斑竹,论坛上的上贴日期有黑的、紫的和红的。红的是新的吧?其他的是甚末意思?何时变的?
        • About colors in this forum:
          The time is Eastern Time of North America, used by Ontario, Quebec, etc.

          For those dates in this forum:

          Red: the same day of your reading;
          Purple-red: Yesterday's post;
          Dark-purple: The day before yesterday's post;
          Black: posts of three days ago.

          For the Category words:

          There's category word at the head of each topic, in general all these words are in green color. If the topic is a "Reserved" topic, the color changes to purple-red.

          Seems this forum is quite fancy. :-)
    • 其实摄像机价格可能和国内差不多,但要注意北美和中国的电视制式是不同的啊。目前还没有看到兼容的。手机在加拿大很便宜啊,依我看在加拿大买一个比在国内带要合适啊。
      • 相机呢?我想买个傻瓜相机,可变焦的,主要为了拍点show给我妈看我还活着。我应该从国内带还是在加拿大买?
        • 'very silly camera' can be got around or under 100 bucks. and if you use web cam, it can be even cheaper.