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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 雅思speaking 5 分是什么水平?
    • No matter how high the score is, there's always room to improve. Keep practicing and you'll just get better.
      • 我觉得一英语不是母语要提高到口语没口音是天方夜谭
        • I guess you were talking about pronunciation mistakes. We can always reduce such mistakes and express ourselves more clearly.
          • I refer to accent
            • Usually people say "accent" as a polite way of addressing patterned incorrect pronunciation. The true meaning of accent applies to everyone, e.g. London accent, Australian accent, etc. So there is not really needed to get rid of an accent. +2
              • Not possible to get rid of accent since English is not my mother tongue. But I still need to try to make a bit progress every day.
            • 口音不是问题,苏格兰小镇美国中西部澳洲有些地方口音都非常重。关键还是语言结构句式表达和习惯用法,语感至关重要。
              • 同感,印巴口音也重 可说的 人家能听得懂 句子是句子 语序不同 听起来就很变扭了
    • 差不多
      • 我当年general training口语只拿了5分, 那可是读过Beowulf再考的。
        • 敬仰无比呀,荡木之学姐? 我还知道国内有的翻译巨著连篇,英语基本句不成声的。。。
          • 我不会的基本拿谷歌翻译。 Google translation is my loyal friend. 刺哥, 建议你读一下美国华裔女作家写的mother tongue.
            • 谢谢。英语足以混碗饭吃,处处留心就可以了。语感非常重要,否则语法再好说出来写出来也是不伦不类。就像有人自以为英语好就是要说 " take easy " 一样,"honestly saying" 英文里根本没有这个说法。